Sr. Consultant and Project Manager, Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and Belonging
Kathy leads TAP Network’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging Initiatives. The scope of this work includes managing several key programs aimed at creating a more inclusive and diverse Tech sector. Kathy has acted as a Sr. Project Manager, Consultant and Advisor on a number of high-profile projects, including multiple Provincial Sector Labour Market Partnerships, inclusive of stakeholder engagement, research / intel and strategy recommendations. Kathy presented to the HUMA Parliamentary Hearings and assisted in the consultation and launch of the BC Provincial Nominee Program’s Tech Pilot in 2017 and Global Talent Stream. Kathy leverages her Digital Entertainment and Interactive and HR expertise with her work with Klei Entertainment, as well as consults with a number of Not For Profits and Advisory Boards as it relates to her expertise of Human Resources, labor market, diversity and inclusion, immigration and talent strategies.